Friday, September 12, 2008

Fill your bucket!

So the other day I had "one of those days". I don't know if you can relate, but it was one of those -after cleaning up the cereal off the baby, rushing kids out the door for school, then walking to go get one, and coming back to make lunch, cleaning up the living room, finish my second..or third( I lost count) load of laundry, only to come home make dinner for an hour and then kick everyone out the door for soccer @5:30, then coming home to an even messier house and trying to get homework done before bed, Is this all I do? - days. Sounds like everyday huh! Well I had had it! It meaning EVERYTHING! I wanted to check out. I'm so exhausted I could cry!
I realized I hadn't done anything that I enjoyed for a while. I needed to create something! Something that would stay together in one piece for more than 5 mins--or could I wish it.... indefinitely! I needed to let my creative juices flow and rejuvenate myself once again so that I didn't lose my sanity forever. So yesterday I gave myself that "gift". My mother in law calls it "good self care". Ah yes, (sigh) good self care. Sometimes the pendulum swings too far the other way and we get off balance -easy to do when you take care of so many other people. I have decided I am happiest when I can do all my responsibilities and do something that I enjoy. The guilt isn't there because in a way I know I have "earned" my fun. Plus Newsflash! I am so much less irritable when I don't look at my life and say, "Is this all I do all day"? You gotta have something to look forward to. Anyway, I found my bliss designing my blog yesterday/last night. It was so wonderful! and somehow my house managed to stay clean, It was part of the rejuvenation I needed as a wife and mother.
So... If you are reading this and feel like you need a break from the normal routine, give yourself a break and find what makes your heart sing and do it. It's not about being selfish-It's good self care and after all, even though we've all heard it a hundred times, you can't fill anothers' bucket until you have something to give! It's so true. And I submit that the more you fill your bucket constantly the more you can give constantly. There won't be the big drought season until you are thirsting so bad you are gagging (and crying). And your family won't be left out in the desert to wander either.
So I want to hear your comments, what do you do for yourself, what are you passionate about and then go do it and let me know your experience.


Shalantie said...

YO SIS! You did a fantastic job on your blog! I LOVE IT. It looks like you found a way to get those pictures that we took of the kids! SWEET. I have been thinking about that a lot lately and I always forget to ask you about it. I'm so glad you have them. Well I have been looking into colleges around here for something to do and no one offers photography. BUT they do offer Graphic Design programs so I am thinking about doing that- along with taking all of the other generals and such. I don't know. I'm kind of stuck right now because I could start going to school on OCT. 20th, but JJ goes to Dallas for 6 weeks starting OCT. 14th. I want to go with him, and he really wants me to go, but I just don't know what i'll do in dallas for only 6 weeks and on the other hand I don't really want to go without JJ for 6 weeks. I don't know what to do. *sigh*

Nikki said...

your blog said it all for me. i have been going through that same thing plus on top of that adams not practicing as a lawyer (he's going into the top secret gov. jobs)and theres been a few jobs where they say yes we want you your hired but we need to find a spot for you or we they say yes and then months later decide they don't have the money to hire him. anyways thats just the jest of it. its very frustraing!!! so to keep me sane I make jewlery for myself! it gives me enough time to get myself together again.

Shelley said...

Yep, I relate! My big thing that I do for myself is go to the gym. I love my gym! The childcare is great. If Jake isn't getting home until after the kiddies go to bed, I'll go to the gym in the late afternoon just when I'd be starting to go bonkers otherwise, drop the kids off at the childcare, and go get some exercise! Usually I am a morning exerciser, though. Anyway, the endorphins are amazing, I feel more confident about myself, and it helps me set and achieve goals (half and full marathons). It keeps me sane!

Lily said...

Thanks for your nice comment on our blog. I love the new look of your blog- I'm working on changing ours too!

Andrew and Charonne- said...

i just love you stephanie

Shelley said...

Hey Stephanie! I love hearing about other people's days like that; then when I have one of "those" days, I remember I'm not alone, and it will pass. Things I do for myself? Read...I love curling up with a good long book and immersing myself for an hour or more. Playing the piano...I play to suit my mood - sometimes it's loud (trying to drown something out?), calming and peaceful, sometimes slow, sometimes fast. But it always makes me smile. Also, DATE NIGHT!! I love dates with my husband! Helps remind me of how it was before we got married, and of all the fun we still can have, even amidst the stresses of life. And lastly - girls night out. There's a group of us in our neighborhood that go out once a month. Last time we went ice blocking - what a blast! Made fools of ourselves, but we felt like teenagers and laughed like crazy. This month we're going to a hanuted house so we can scream like a bunch of...girls! :)