Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Sunday

Easter was great at our house. The kids found their Easter baskets in the morning and among all the eggs in their baskets they had some numbered eggs. The kids thought it was a game, but it
was actually 12 eggs that had scriptures and symbols of the events leading up to the crucification and the resurrection of Christ. The number 12 egg had nothing in it-representing the empty tomb. I think our kids really understood what Easter really means. We also had our home teachers over and they shared a beautiful message. After church we had Uncle Dustin over for dinner and that's when we opened our 12 eggs and had a spiritual feast. It really was a special day to feel gratitude for the life, ministry, death and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. It was so special the next night when we were saying family prayer with dad over the phone when Branson said, " And we are thankful for Jesus because with out him none of us would be here." I think these lessons are sticking!


It's all about the "Crew" said...

Awesome! We also did that lesson for FHE. It is amazing how much they learned -and even remembered names. Whoever came up with the idea is a genius! I decided to do the same lesson with my girls in YW. Afterwards, I noticed K. got something similar in nursery- more of a flip book (which was cool). Sounds like it was a GREAT Easter...

I know, look out birthday season! Lucky for us we're on the odd years- so no friend parties -just family.

Your blog looks really cute, by the way! It's nice to read some recent updates. Keep 'em coming!

Katie said...

Happy Easter, Stephanie! What a cute blog. I'm glad you're joined the blogging world. I can't believe how grown up your kids are! They are beautiful. I'm excited to keep up on your life through your blog now!

Mighty Mighty Rudds said...

Hey you! You are putting us all to shame with your Easter tradition. I think sometimes I trick myself into thinking that my kids won't get it but they probably get things more than I do at times. I am year we are going to do that for Easter! Good to hear from you!

Shalantie said...

Yo sis- That's just adorable. And what a great example ya'll are to JJ and I. I should be taking notes for when we have kids. You are both to be admired. No one else really takes the time to teach their children those important truths because they think that their kids won't care, or won't understand. But alas, you have shown us that, that's not always the case. love ya much. OH and cute graphics- it's a safe assumption to say that you did them yourself? Good job!