Sunday, March 9, 2008

Gumball blessings

On Saturday a short time ago Bill decided to take the kids to Kmart and pass some time while I was away at a baby shower. After spending time in the toy department, the Bundrock clan grew tired of just looking and decided to leave and come pick me up. However, on their way out Branson and Maegan discovered a row of gumball machines and of course wanted to spend their hard earned money to enjoy the goodness contained within. After a reluctant approval from Bill, due to the knowledge that two gumalls and three children don't go well together, the salivating children put their money into the machine of their choice and turned the handle. Branson was duely rewarded; however, Maegan did not receive anything for her quarter. Not wanting to hear Maegan's moans and groans all the way home, Bill waited in line for 15 minutes to get a refund and try again. The second attempt would prove to be very successful because Maegan received two morsels of goodness instead of one. Bill was glad because he knew that meant all three children would have something to eat instead of just two. Branson, after seeing the extra piece fall out of the slot, turned to Bill and said; "Dad you know who did that?" Bill grinned and said what do you mean Branson? Branson with a smile of his own simply replied, "That was Jesus". From the mouth of babes. It is great to know that our children are coming to understand that all we are blessed with in life comes from our Saviour and our Heavenly Father. Branson's faith was strengthened and we are grateful that our Heavenly Father watches and blesses us even if we are only dealing with gumballs.


It's all about the "Crew" said...

What a fun surprise to see a new post! Very cute story-totally blog worthy!

Shalantie said...

YAY!!! I've been waiting since October to hear something new. Very cute story. Bill is the only one who would wait in line for 15 minutes for a quarter refund. That's a good thing too, or else your kids would never have experienced such a great lesson.
Love you guys! We'll see you SOON!

The Bramwell's said...

I hope this isn't to weird for me to post..........but WOW! I can't believe I came across your blog! My name is Tonya Bramwell (use to be Bristol). I knew Bill before he left on his mission! We lived in the same ward at Raintree Apts in Provo.

It is so good to see you are happy and doing well!!! Your wife and kids are beautiful!

Z-tec said...

Just wanted to say, that I am a Bundrock too. I live in NC. (married for 22 years, so different last name). Is there a way to e-mail you to say more? You have a great site. I love the family photo, and the gumball story too! :-)