Sunday, January 18, 2009

I am so in love!

There is just nothing more precious to me than the smell of a newborn, with her soft little head all nuzzled in your neck...that is just one of my favorite things!

Here are some pictures of Cambry's first bath

Look at all my little helpers!

Okay, so we are all in love!

Who wouldn't be!


Sybrina said...

Oh, how adorable! I love seeing you with ALL your kids there trying to help with her first bath! What an amazing family you now have! Darling!

Andrew and Charonne- said...

your family is awesome! day we will be there.......She is so sweet.

Lily said...

Stephanie she is so cute. I am glad you are having a good time with her. You super women-the mother of 5! Wow!

Dustin said...

Oh Cambry. Thank You for coming into this world. It's kinda rough, but make the best of it and learn from your parents and brothers and sisters, they will teach you and they love you more than you can even imagine. and I love you to.

Dana P said...

Stephanie, SHE IS BEAUTIFUL!! I still can't believe I was sitting next to you yesterday and I forgot you have even HAD a baby - YOU LOOK AWESOME!! Honestly, congratualtions again. Your family is now complete! :)

Sara said...

What a cutie. She looks so wide-eyed and awake. Congrats you guys, she is SO cute.

taylor & marci black family said...

Bundrocks!! Your baby Cambry is precious! She is so dang cute. I can't believe I didn't even know you were expecting again!! Taylor and I are expecting number 3 in June! We are so excited. Take care of that cute baby.

Shelley said...

What beautiful pictures! It was so fun visiting with you guys, and I'm so glad we got to meet Emma so early in her life. She's absolutely precious.

Sandy said...

She really is cute Stephanie and I can't believe how different Emma looks in the pictures too!!! I guess they all just grow up. We will have to get together sometime.Let me know if you need to get out of your house.

Shelley said...

Oh, she really is so beautiful! Congratulations! And you are so lucky to have so many little helpers!

Krista Dearden said...

Congratulations! She is so adorable. I absolutely love that pic of you holding her!

Shalantie said...

Cute.. I really love the picture of Bill with Cambry. Heck, they are all really cute. I just came across pictures of Emma when she was having her first bath-- I can't believe you have another little one already! You guys are really blessed.

Jamie and Erin said...

What a beautiful family you have! Congrats on the new baby!

The Bundrocks said...

It's so fun to read all your comments . Thank You. We feel very blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful people

Tammy said...

Congratulations!!! yeah! I love not pregnant anymore, and I can't believe how Great you look! I love all the kids climbing on you while you are giving her the bath. Too funny. Congrats!

Jamie said...

So so so cute! I found you on Bethany's blog. It's good to see that your family is doing well. We aren't that far behind you in kids, we have 4. Yours are also so cute, but I can't believe how big Branson is!!!