Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our Little Ballerina

For the past 2 months we decided to let Maegan take ballet. Her recital is on Saturday at Spanish Oaks Elementary at 5 pm. I was hoping that I would make it to her recital and wasn't in the hospital having our baby and so far so good. For all of our friends & family that would like to attend you are more than welcome to come. Attendance is free! Give me a call and I'll give you directions.


Andrew and Charonne- said...

way cute! Aboout the card, your cards are way cute, but my sister owns a graphic design compnay and so i would feel like i were cheating on her if i had someone else do our cards, but thanks so much anyway! But your price is a great deal! But she will do it for free, and cheap;-)

Shalantie said...

How cute! I love the picture of Maegan. I hope you are feeling alright these days, I'm going to call you soon :) love ya!

Shelley said...

Attendance is free at the birth or the recital??? JK ;) Stephanie, send me your labor inducing tip - I'm all ears! Last time I did castor oil, which was very effective, but I would rather avoid it if possible.

And good luck to you on your labor and to your little ballerina!

Dustin said...

that's my girl.. maegan, you are a little angel.. we need to get branson and go skating again huh!?!?